We are 100% volunteer and 100% donation based

We Need You

We are 100% volunteer based, no paid positions at all. That’s why you are critical to our future. There are lots of opportunities to get engaged as a volunteer, and it’s a fantastic way to meet like-minded people. No amount of time is too little!

Working with like-minded people on issues we all care about is not only fun, but inspiring and gives me hope!
— Julie Enzor-Wilson, Phone Bank & Office Volunteer

2024 Election Cycle

The 2024 Elections are critical and coming quickly. Get information on who we are endorsing, actions you can take now such as canvassing and phone banking for our endorsed candidates, our letters to the editor campaign and our third Friday rallies to Kick-Out Kiley, and more.

Our 2022 Achievements

In 2022 we invested over $10,000 into candidates and issues. We executed 7,000 door drops, countless hours of phone and text banking, demonstrations of public support thru sign waving and yard signs, and hosted numerous informative events.

And our efforts paid off in Nevada County…

  • Lisa Swarthout won for Board of Supervisor District #3 which puts us in the majority on that board for the first time in 20(ish) years!

  • The Nevada Joint Union High School Board slate —Olivia Pritchett, Wendy Willoughby, and Ken Johnson all won, with Ken Johnson receiving a remarkable +11.28% over his opponent in a district that has +14% registered Republican advantage. This gives us the majority on the high school board as well. (PS. We already have the majority on all three city councils in the county: Grass Valley, Nevada City and Truckee!)

  • Belle Starr Sandwith, our endorsed Assembly District #1 candidate, won the county by 4.2%

  • Kermit Jones, running for Congressional District #3, won Nevada County by 11.98% — but wasn’t able to secure the win at the district level.

  • All the statewide constitutional officers were won by Democrats at both the state and the Nevada County level.

  • The California Democratic Party’s recommendations won on all but two propositions- Prop 29 (providing more safety measures in dialysis clinics) was defeated despite our endorsement, as was Prop. 30 (wildfire mitigation).

  • On the local measures we won one and lost one—we recommended a Yes vote on Measure V (wildfire mitigation) but it lost by 3.48%. However, we called for a No vote on Measure W (control of housing development in Nevada City) and voters agreed, defeating it by 34.48%.

  • The Tahoe-Truckee Democratic Club endorsed two candidates for the Tahoe-Truckee Unified School Board, Dianna Driller and Denyelle Nishemori who both won with over 42% margin!

Thank you for helping make 2022 a successful year!

Democratic Women’s Club

The Nevada County Democratic Women’s Club meets the first Saturday of every month. Brunch is served at 9:30am, usually followed by a guest speaker. Join them on Facebook!

Tahoe-Truckee Democrats

Tahoe Truckee Democrats work to promote our values of inclusion, fairness, and tolerance. Their general membership meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. Learn more!